A growing recognition that this is important.

The mental health of children is in decline.

The stats are clear.

Children’s depression, anxiety and ADHD is on the rise and one of the reasons is our disconnect with nature. Increasingly, our children struggle with the basics - self-regulation, resilience, concentration, using initiative.

Social media, lack of interaction, reduced physical activity and excessive screen time all compound the problem.

School budgets are already tightly squeezed. The rising level of mental disorders come with additional support needs. Increased numbers of teachers and teaching assistants are needed to cope with the problem. In addition, there are the longer term costs to society of disadvantaged lives and unrealised potential. 

We need to act and we need to do it now.


‘Education systems should introduce Nature studies from the earliest stages of our lives, and revisit them in the years we spend in secondary and tertiary education.’

The Dasgupta Review: The Economics of Biodiversity, University of Cambridge, Feb 2021

Finding a new approach to
an increasing problem.

We know that disassociation from nature has negative effects on mental health and diminishes our ability to learn. Children are less engaged, less excited, less present in the classroom.

The system is no longer fit for purpose. We aim to change that by clearly demonstrating the positive impact of outdoor learning  and hands-on gardening on  children’s mental and physical health.

All the evidence suggests our model can bring profound benefits to address this growing problem for children, schools and the wider community.

Flourish Gardens -benefits for all children.


And all the evidence suggests our model can bring profound benefits to address this growing problem. But let’s be clear, we can make this school-wide.


A Flourish garden is more than a bolt on benefit. It is an intergral part of school life that comes with a dedicated teacher. The aim is to bring life and context to the curriculum - from Maths and Science to Design and Technology.


The garden provides a real-world context for children to gain inspiration and ideas that will pave the way to possible fulfilling careers. From soil science to design to virology there is huge scope and we know that early inspiration and encouragement are key to future direction.


Developing a love and respect for nature and beauty will help prepare the next generation to approach our challenges with wisdom. Understanding sustainable food production will be particularly critical.

You have changed my life.’

“Before I was as sad as can
possibly be but now I am happier.

You are so nice and kind and I think Flourish will be amazing to
support more children.”

Daniel Grieg | Primary 7 pupil

‘I haven’t met anybody who hasn’t been inspired by this idea, because it’s obvious that this is what we need to do.’

JJ Gladwin | Flourish Founder and Trustee 

We need a seismic shift in the way we educate our children.

Change is needed and it’s needed now.

At Flourish, we know our approach works. Children are returning to school, ready to learn. Hands-on gardening in a Flourish garden encourages team-work and increases positive attitudes towards self and others. We create the perfect environment for children to reconnect with their true nature, one of health.

Please help us bring about the change that everybody wants to see.

Please help Flourish.

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